9 Reasons to Write A Book for Your Business

9 Reasons to Write A Book for Your Business

There are over 750,000 books published each year in the U.S. alone. With a number this high, most aspiring authors think the idea to write a book for your business is too daunting of a task to take on.

After all, in a sea of available books, what would make someone choose yours?

Let’s shift gears. Yes, 750,000 new books each year is a lot, but when annual book sales are taken into consideration, there’s a bit more optimism.  

Those annual book sales? Print sales alone total roughly 650 million units. Add 191 million e-books to that number and you have yourself a ratio that favors the author: you.

The desire for books is apparent. Readership is growing. For nonfiction authors especially, there’s a growing need for you to share your content.

Want to write a book in 2022?

visionary literary sample client book cover design

Why books are important

By writing a book, you give people the opportunity to change the world. A little dramatic? Maybe. But maybe not. Look at all the innovators in the world and ask yourself how they have been able to accomplish so much.

Elon Musk on how he learned to build rockets: “I read books.”

Warren Buffet admits to reading for five to six hours per day, claiming, “That’s how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest.”

Mark Zuckerberg at one point even had his own online book club, where he and the other members read two books per week.

How can busy entrepreneurs like these have so much time for reading? They make time, because they understand its importance to their life and to their business.

Think of how books have impacted your life. How many have stuck with you over the years? What’s the one you’re thinking of right now as you read through this paragraph?

That’s powerful, isn’t it? Think of the fear that must have crept into the mind of the author of that book. Think of the doubt. Imagine what your life would be like without that book and how much time you would have spent learning on your own, going through the trial-and-error process.

Your book doesn’t have to change the world in an instant. It doesn’t have to be read by hundreds of thousands of people to be considered a success. If it helps just one person to become a better leader, creator, provider, supplier, and so forth, then it can change the world. It can change their world which, in turn, will help to positively change the world of everyone they encounter.

Remember, there are roughly 750,000 books published every year. The writing is on the wall, and it’s telling us books are not only important, but valued.

Write your book and have it published to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more…

9 ways a book can help your business

What’s the reason you decided to order this book? The idea had to have done more than just cross your mind, right? Maybe you’ve been exploring the idea for years, or maybe only a few weeks. Regardless, you probably want to tap into an area that’s been restricted but can become available to you once you become a published author:

It promotes credibility

Becoming a published author immediately places you above your peers and competitors. You are seen as an expert in your industry because you have proven to be knowledgeable. This builds trust in the people you seek to work with, whether that be potential clients or the organizer of an event at which you seek to speak.

Detailed business card

A business card is great, but they’re a dime a dozen. Anybody can create a business card and coin themselves a professional. By writing a book, however, you can explain, in detail, what you and your business do. Your potential client has choices and by giving them insight into your processes (and your knowledge), you can position yourself as the expert.

Coaching and consulting

Growing companies seek experienced coaches and consultants to help them scale. By authoring a book, you have the chance to prove your knowledge. Once again, you aren’t simply handing over a business card and hoping to land inside of a sales pipeline of competing coaches. You are placing yourself above the rest by proving your expertise up front.

Recruit candidates to your company

Recruiting is getting more difficult today. Your potential employees want to know that they will have more of an impact in their position. It’s no longer enough to provide your people with a steady paycheck. What sets your company above the rest? Use a book to introduce people to your company. Share your core values, what makes you great, why people love working for you, and why your company is in a prime position for continued growth.

Raise outside capital

Opening a funding round for your business? A pitch deck works well but how about giving potential investors a glimpse into what your company does, its history, and its plans for the future inside of an engaging book? Provide potential investors a deeper insight into who you are and why they should be excited to invest.

Sell a course or mastermind group

This is one of the most common strategies for writing a book for your business. Course creators or businesses selling online courses will create coinciding books. This helps your business attract potential clients from different sources, and also creates cross-selling opportunities.

Speaking engagements

Want to be a keynote speaker at a conference in your industry or looking to get on a TEDx stage? Proving yourself credible through a book is a near necessity for this. Without some sort of credibility or proof of your true expertise in the area in which you desire to speak, it would be difficult to book speaking gigs.

Join advisory boards

Joining advisory boards can be a great opportunity, but founders won’t invite someone on their board without doing some significant due diligence. Businesses want true advisors on their board. They want someone credible and reliable. If you want to gain board seats, prove your knowledge and value through a book. Your authority and credibility elevate the second you hit publish.

To help others

The goal of your book doesn’t have to be monetary. There are plenty of options to gain ROI with your book, but that’s not the goal for everyone. You can help yourself and your business, but your book can also change lives. If your book impacts only one person’s life and pulls them out of a rough spot, then it can be considered a success.

What’s your reason?

These are just a few reasons you may want to write a book, but it could be for other reasons as well. You might want to leave a legacy piece for your grandchildren. Or simply document your memoir. Maybe the reason you want to write a book is outside of the norm but fits well into your future plans.

Regardless of the reason, the important thing is you have taken the first step. Pick up a copy of our book, use the DIY resources we have put together, or reach out to our team. Don’t procrastinate any longer. People need your book.