The ‘Elite Package’ Process

The ‘Elite Package’ Process

The Elite Package is our most popular, and for good reason: we’re taking care of the entire process for you. This package allows us to help you from concept to publication and every step in between.

So how does the process go? And what’s included?

Your team

Once you sign on to work with us, you will be assigned a dedicated team. For Elite clients, this team includes a Project Manager, a Ghostwriter, an Editor, and a Marketing Coordinator. Your Project Manager will be your main point of contact and will introduce you to your team.

Designing your concept

Maybe you’ve thought about writing a book before. Maybe you haven’t. Or maybe you’ve been bouncing around so many different ideas and you have no clue where to go from here.

Our Elite package allows you to work with one of our professional ghostwriters and top-tier editors to structure a book that will have a tremendous impact on your reader. From opening anecdotes to relatable personal stories, business advice to proven processes, your ghostwriter and editor will work with you to come up with something special.

The time-saver: audio files

Time is the one resource we can never get back, right? So why not make the best use of it?

In decades past, you would have no other option but to speak on the phone with your ghostwriter, or to fly them out to your hometown to spend a few days with you to get the content they need.

Want to write a book in 2022?

visionary literary sample client book cover design

Yet now, with the vast technological options, this is no longer the case. We’ve come so far so fast that even video chat software is no longer necessary in our field. Minus the initial Structure Call you will have with your ghostwriter, there will be little time required on your end to spend in one-on-one conversations.

Instead, the outline you create with your ghostwriter and editor will be filled with questions designed to pull ideas and content. And you can then use these questions and your outline to create audio files using a simple, one-click audio recording app we will share with you.

That’s it. One click, record your audio, then end the recording. All recordings and transcripts will be automatically shared with your ghostwriter.

Is your ghostwriter in a different time zone? Are your days jam-packed with meetings, business tasks, and so forth? Of course they are. So why add another hassle of having to schedule five, six, seven, or even ten calls that can each last up to several hours inside of a limited schedule.

The sample pages

At the time your ghostwriter sends over your completed outline, they will also send over a sample page to give you a preview into what they believe your desired voice and tone for the book will be.

Here, it’s important not to worry about content accuracy. The goal is to determine whether or not the tonality of the piece sounds like you. Is this how you want your book to be written? If not, this is where you can alert your ghostwriter so that the necessary changes can be made.

And don’t worry. Nothing is set in stone at this point. Edits are sure to be made once the first draft is complete.

Your first draft

Exciting times! The first draft of your manuscript (just another name for the text-only document of your book) will be written by your ghostwriter and reviewed by your editor. Once complete, you will receive a copy of your manuscript.

Along with the manuscript will be a set of tutorials. These will not only show you how to make changes and comments within the document that has been sent over, but will also give you some insight into what to look out for and how best to ensure you are satisfied with the end result.

Once you have incorporated these changes, simply send back the document to your ghostwriter and those edits will be made.

Need another call with your ghostwriter to clarify some things? No worries. That’s an option you can certainly choose to utilize.

Blurbs and a Foreword

Book blurbs. What are they? They’re the quick one- or two-line praises you see others get on their book from experts or celebrities in their industry.

If you wish to have book blurbs on your cover, or inside the first few pages of your book, this is where we can discuss the process. Who will be writing the blurbs? How shall we reach them?

Same thing goes for a Foreword, which is an opening letter written by another individual to the readers of your book. This Foreword will introduce the topic of your book as well as highlight why you’re the perfect person to write on the topic.

Book cover design

While writing the book is an amazing experience, authors often find themselves fascinated by the idea of their book cover. So we’ll talk through some design options with your Graphic Designer and then we’ll be off to work.

As with the writing process, you will be given a draft of your book cover design for approval. Want some adjustments made? Now is the time to get this thing right so that by the time this cover appears on online bookstores worldwide, it’s something you’re satisfied with.

Your marketing plan

Are you social media savvy? Do you have your own content marketing team or social media strategist? The answer to this will depend on how we move forward together with your marketing plan.

Your package comes with a marketing plan designed around your industry. 3D mockup images of your book will be created, quotes will be pulled from your book, and other marketing strategies will be utilized to ensure your first-week sales are as optimal as possible, giving you the best chance to land on the Amazon bestseller list for your category.

Physical copies of your book

Holding your very own book in your hand is one of the greatest experiences one can have. Sure, we might be a little biased since this is what we love to do, but there are few things in life that can compare to holding your very own book for the first time.

We will send you 25 copies of your book. You can choose to do with them what you wish. Sign them for family and friends, keep them for yourself, or sell them at a local tradeshow. Whatever you choose to do with them, know that you can always order more copies through the printing company — and we’ll provide you all the information on how to do so.

Our Elite Package is one that most business owners, executives, and influencers find most appealing. It allows individuals with packed schedules to still be able to release a book without any added aggravation.

Seem like the best fit for you and your situation? We’re excited to hear from you. Use the button below to schedule a consultation with one of our publishing experts.

Think one of our other packages might work better for you and your situation? Check out our Publish page to get a glimpse into what they offer.