Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write A Book

Why Every Entrepreneur Should Write A Book

Every entrepreneur should write a book. Whether you’re an aspiring or established business owner, you want to grow your audience and expand your brand. There are a number of ways you can do this. One of them includes writing a book.

In your position, you have information, knowledge and experience that should be utilized to the fullest extent. Writing and publishing a book can be one of the best ways to share what you have to offer with the world.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of writing a book and how you can start the process (with help from us, of course).

A book is the new business card.

When you publish a book, it becomes a multi-purpose marketing tool that helps to create attention – and attention is what you want as an entrepreneur. 

Once you have the attention of your target audience, you can more easily show them how your product or service is beneficial for them. You can also utilize this to help attract talent to your company, or get more media coverage.

Why every entrepreneur should write a book?

Want to write a book in 2022?

visionary literary sample client book cover design

We’ve already touched on this at a high level, but writing a book helps garner attention and get your name out into the public space.

Establish credibility

People enjoy reading books and stories that resonate with them. If you’re an entrepreneur, publishing a book can help people see how you got to where you are today and gives you a chance to tell your life story.

Writing a book can help you share what you’ve learned with the world. Business owners like yourself can take advantage of the opportunity to establish yourself as a reliable and valuable source of information when you publish books.

Think about it: if you were to speak to two different entrepreneurs and only one was a published author, who would you think of as the more credible source? Likely, you’ll pick the one who has written a book.

While the two might have the same amount of experience and expertise, there is a lot to be said for taking the time to write and get a book out there in the world. The effort it takes can help an audience perceive you as more credible than someone else.

Build authority

Being an author and having authority go hand-in-hand. In fact, the root word in the word author is authority. You are able to showcase your expertise and build your authority in your field once you’ve become a published author. 

You want people to listen seriously to what you have to say. While making an effort to be a public speaker at conferences and events can help with this, having a book behind you to back you up can make a world of difference. 

In fact, publishing a book can help you when it comes to booking public speaking gigs, which are another great tool to utilize as an entrepreneur. Check out some of the top reasons why public speakers should be writing books as well!

Position yourself as an expert

Any business owner or entrepreneur wants to achieve expert status. Writing a book allows you to share your message with the world and bring awareness to what you do.

Doing this helps show people that you care about the subject you’re writing about, and this can lead to more resources and opportunities for your business or brand. If you have enough information to put it down on paper and publish an entire book about it, it’s hard to not be considered as an expert in your field.

Writing a book also allows your audience to get to know you and what you’re about before you have to pitch them on something. It’s a way of giving them a preliminary understanding of your brand, and helps eliminate a cold sale or pitch down the line.

This can help save you time that you otherwise might have spent trying to brag about yourself or convince a client of your expertise. If they’ve seen your book or taken the time to read it, then they’ll know you’re qualified ahead of time.

Increase visibility

One of the biggest benefits of publishing a book is increasing your visibility to your audience (and potential audience). It can have an impact both locally and globally.

While social media can be a great tool for getting your name and brand out there, writing a book can be a way to take things to the next level. This is because you can connect at a deeper level to your audience in a way that outweighs your standard marketing content, blog post, or tweet.

This is why we said before that books are great marketing tools. Someone reading your words allows them to connect directly with you free from distractions. If they resonate with your book, chances are, they’ll tell someone else about it.

Through word of mouth or other marketing promotions, you can utilize the power of the written word to increase your visibility.

Create something that lasts

A lot of pride comes from building something that will stand the test of time. When you’re an entrepreneur running a business, you know that things can change at a moment’s notice. The market can change or unforeseen circumstances can affect things.

Taking the time to publish a book can help you produce something positive that can stand the test of time. When you write a book, you’re putting your ideas and thoughts onto a page. This can help solidify them and establish a legacy that is less turbulent than running a business itself!

Establish a new revenue stream

One of the biggest goals in business is to be successful. While success can be measured in different ways, most would agree that increasing sales and profit is one of their main goals as an entrepreneur. 

Publishing a book is a great way to have another revenue stream and generate higher earnings for yourself. This can come from book sales (ebooks, audiobooks and the printed version) but also from people utilizing your services as a result of reading your book.

Having realistic expectations for book sales is important. You shouldn’t expect to be a New York Times bestseller with your first book, second book, or maybe ever. But you can generate some extra earnings this way, especially when you choose to self-publish. 

A marketing team plays a key role in helping to get your book out there once you’ve published it. This can come in the form of promotions on social media, email lists, scheduling interviews and even hosting book tours. 

As mentioned before, you can generate more profits just as a result of publishing a book and not necessarily from book sales themselves. Having more visibility means you’ll have a larger audience, and a larger audience means more potential clients.

You also can leverage the power of a book to get paid spots at public speaking events. A conference is more willing to offer money to a speaker who has the authority of a book behind them and an established audience.

Pro tip: You can offer to sell a certain number of copies to the event coordinator or conference organizer for the event itself as a condition for you appearing. It’s a win-win.


Who knows? Writing one book can even help you establish your writing career. You learn a lot during the process and might find that you want to keep sharing your knowledge with the world!

Not only can writing a book offer so many benefits to your career and business, but it can ultimately be fulfilling for your personal journey as well. Sharing your insights and ideas with the world can be inspiring, and having something tangible to show for it is just icing on the cake!

How to begin

So, does writing a book sound like the next best step for your career? Knowing where to start can be the trickiest part, but luckily, you don’t have to go at it alone!

Our team of experts here at Visionary Literary offer comprehensive services to help you in the book writing process. This includes outlining, writing and designing what your book will look like. We’ll even help with a customized marketing plan!

Schedule a free consultation with a Publishing Consultant to learn more about us and how we can help you accomplish your goals!