Why Visionary?

Why Visionary?

It feels like we’re on the cusp of something big, doesn’t it? The world around us seems to be rapidly transforming into something new, unique, and wonderful. 

A shift is occurring that is creating more passion in all of us. More drive and determination. And a deeper thirst to gain knowledge in the fields with which we show interest. 

This is why unit sales of print books rose 8.9% from 2021 to 2022, according to Publishers Weekly. It’s because we’re in the middle of this unique shift and industry experts are in high demand. 

Are you a businessperson or freelancer looking for additional ways to gain clients?

An industry expert whose knowledge base has grown significantly over the years and your message could help your fellow entrepreneur or leader?

Do you have course content online and wish to reach out to an audience of book lovers?

You’re not alone. We’ve helped your peers and can help you, too. 

Write your book and have it published to Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and more…

Your end of the deal

What’s the benefit of working with a publisher like us?

For one, you gain time. 

The Visionary process doesn’t require you to be on the phone for thirty hours with a Ghostwriter, another twenty with your Project Manager, ten more with your Marketing team…

No. You’re busy. No successful person ever rose to the top by sitting around wondering why they have so much free time on their hands. 

So we’re not here to take your time. We’re here to save it, and to get you that professionally written, superbly designed book without absorbing your precious business hours. 

What else do you get when working with Visionary Literary?

  • Rights. Your book, your name on the cover, your rights to all the material and the royalties thereafter. 100%. We help you to build the car and then you hop in the driver’s seat and enjoy the victory lap. 
  • Profits. If you publish through us (whether using our imprint, Worn Key Publishing or your own entity), you retain all royalties and profits. From book sales, paid appearances, cross-selling and/or up-selling opportunities… Everything is yours. 
  • Quality Writing. We have a team of writers that have years of experience under their belt. They have collectively written hundreds of books and have helped many of their clients to attain best-seller status. 
  • Guidance. We’re not in the business of patting you on the back after book launch and saying We’re done with you now. We help, that’s what we’re here to do. This is our industry. We know it inside and out, just like you know your industry inside and out. So we’ll be here to offer guidance before your project, during, and for a lifetime after. For real. An entire lifetime. Because we’re in this together. 
  • Non-Disclosure Agreement. Want your information kept locked away in a safe place? You got it. Non-disclosure agreements are available at any author’s request. No questions asked. 

Create your book, keep your time

Did we mention we’re in the business of preserving your time? 

Good. Because if not, then we’re just following in the footsteps of our predecessors. And that wouldn’t make us very Visionary now would it?